«The Path»
Triumph Gallery, Moscow
15th Nov –15th Dec, 2019

Creation of «The Path» project took several years. It originated from a journey and impression from the French calanques the unique archaic of which became the impetus for creation of the series, but the reference to some certain place or time is not as important for the composition and the plot as is the synthesis of empirical experiences associated with them.

Following a wild path – any unknown path – and immersed in living every new moment of visual experience, the artist finds himself in the most natural state of search for a creative impulse. A reference to the most ancient narrative form in the "Birth of a myth" leads to an analogy with the formation of a picture of the world out of an elementary sensory-empirical knowledge of the reality. Attention is focused on the transformation of primevalness through creative mind. What drives the artist in his desire to describe the world? Through rethinking, paths, wandering he constantly reproduces reality in attempts to find the truth. Is this not an imitation of God and the main temptation of creativity?

The canvases of the series are timeless imaginary spaces existing between real visual experience and the artist's empirism. They are almost fictitious, but not completely lacking the realism. Everything here: an array of rocks, a gulf suddenly opening up – is living as much as illusory.

As a mythological presentation that does not fit into a linear narrative, landscapes are connected through a repeating motive of the original arche. Worlds painted in them enhance the sense of archaic. An allegory of the universe, existing in itself and for itself, in harmony of its pristine nature, alien to human presence, is created. It's alien to the presence of modern man, divorced from the archaic myth. A man unable to bridge the gap in the spatio-temporal continuum of the culture.